Monday, April 27, 2020

Estela, Luque: Memes from the Quarantimes

For some odd reason I really was not understanding the whole google classroom assignments well in my other classes. I only got this class and one other class. I kept forgetting to do assignments because I was just being with family and having fun. My mind still had to do the whole transition that "shoot I have to do online school now". It was hard for me to get out of the break mindset, and shake off the whole seniorities mindset. Once I did it though, it became easier to do everything, and my scattered brain is organized and ready to do work. 

Pet Day: Book Nerd

I have always loved to read, and since I have so much time on my hands I read a lot. At first I was just going through the motions, but I started to get annoyed at the feeling of doing nothing. Days were passing by way too fast, so I knew that I needed to do something different each day. I picked up a book and started reading. Not going to lie it's hard to stop, and I haven't really. Which is why my bunny is reading a book.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Brooklyn Bedolla Meme

I thought this meme would be perfect for the quarantine time we have been going through because almost everytime I have a zoom call it is always kind of early for me since I pretty much sleep in until 4 everyday because I stay up so late. I thought that this meme would be very relatable to many haha.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Arianna Alcala Meme from quarantine

This meme represents the class of 2020 excited to start their senior activities but then COVID-19 coming and destroying their plans and even their outfits for graduation, prom,  and even the farewell assembly. COVID-19 had different plans for seniors and now instead of wearing cute outfits for all the different activities, they are wearing hoodies and sweats. They have been waiting for this week (the week of senior activities) for 4+ years. They are now worried if they are even going to have a graduation or see their teachers and friends again to say goodbye. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Kahlea Lumang- Meme from the quarantine

Here is the meme I created:
Since everyone has been stuck at home during this tough and unexpected event with nothing to do, Many people including myself have lost track of time. Some people stay up till 5:00 am and don't even realize it till they see the sun rising. Sometimes the time is moving to slow or to fast. it feels like we've been stuck in quarantine for way more than a month. A couple of times I have gotten confused on what day it is like I didn't even know today was Thursday.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Memes With The Quarantimes

This meme makes a statement about life during this unprecedented time, how watching the news was just another thing that nobody cared about. Now because it is affecting all of us in ways such as not being able to go to work, go to the beach, malls, school. We are all caring about what is going to be said on the News. When just three weeks ago, it seemed like everything was just normal, everyone outside. And kids were ins school, people at work. Now everyone is being told that if they stay inside they are saving lives. Which is true, but crazy to think that... when our grandparents were being called out to war during World War 1. We are being called to "STAY AT HOME" in this War With COVID-19.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Memes from the Quarantimes Emily Machado

Here is the meme I created: 

This meme reflects that the seniors were excited for their prom, grad nite and graduation. Basically, all of the senior activities had to be on hold because of the coronavirus that unexpectedly appeared. Which makes the seniors go on an emotional roller coaster because they are unsure if they will ever be able to experience their senior activities. Since school is now closed for the remainder of this Academic Year. 

Creative Day with Estela: Skeleton Makeup Tutorial

I have only done these types of things a few times, so I am still learning as I go. Still I hope you enjoy it! (Also ignore my messy appearance😅)

Monday, April 6, 2020

[KC]: Memes from the Quarantimes

Create a new post with the memes that you've created this week and an explanation of what they are commenting on. This is visual rhetoric. Beyond being humorous, they should be making some statement about life, school, and/or the human experience during this time. Be sure to title it with your First Name and Last Name and "Meme from the Quaratine"

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Here is the meme that I created. 

This is a weird time for everyone and as a teacher I feel pulled a bunch of different ways. This meme reflects that. The fire is the virus, but it's also the emotional toll of the time and the directives of the school district and the fact that I can't laugh and joke with my students each day in the way that I used to. It seems like things are crumbling around us as the world—the world as we know it to be—comes to a halt. As teachers, we feel at odds with ourselves. We feel pulled to teach no matter what is going on because that's what we do and that is important. Yet, we also see how important it is right now to eliminate stress and worry. We recognize the need for routine and structure in such a chaotic time. Yet, we also see this quarantine as a way to shake out of the routines that have been driving us and simply take a moment to breathe, redirect, and realign our perspective of what really matters. While this meme is usually meant to be ironic and what is described as "fine" is not actually fine, I feel like it speaks both ways in this case. At the end of the day, my job is to teach and that's what I'll do, but "teaching" might look a little different. Through a screen and through activities posted to a blog, I'll teach critical thinking and reading skills and writing, but I'll also teach kids to be creative, to show compassion, to reflect, to hope, to still dream, and to not take for granted the things that we are all missing right now. Despite the fires I am dealing with each day, this actually is fine ... because I am still a teacher and my students are still here (just in a virtual space). 

[KC]: Quarantine SSR Week 2

Reply to this post with some thoughts on what you read this week. Are you still liking your book? If you could change something about it, what would you change? What is lacking? Does this book seem similar to other books you've read before? How about other things you've watched before? After all, stories are stories regardless of the medium in which they are presented.

Be sure to come back to these SSR posts (this week and last) and comment on what others are reading.

[KC]: Enrichment Activities Week 2 (April 6-April 10)

The enrichment activities for this week have been posted to the google classroom. You can also view them through this link right here. Remember, we're now officially away from a classroom for basically the next 4 months. This is an opportunity for you to keep your reading, writing, and critical thinking skills sharp before re-entering a classroom setting or the work force. My advice is to take it seriously. You've worked so hard for 12 years; don't let it just slip away now. A bonus: these activities also allow us to reorient ourselves in a time of crisis. Hopefully working on some school-related assignments allow you to regain a bit of routine in this time of quarantine. Hopefully they allow you to consider the world as it is right now in relation to the things we have learned and discussed all year.

Take care of yourself and take care of your brain: both are precious.

- Ms. Colln