Thursday, January 23, 2020

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

My favorite book that I had read during the first quarter  was 13 Reasons Why written by Jay Asher. Many people, including myself, have already seen this show since it is very popular on Netflix. I had already knew the plot and what had happen in the T.V. show which is based on the book, however, I wanted to read the book for myself to see the difference between the show and the book. Being completetly honest, the book wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I would rate it a solid 6/10 and this might be because the show dropped my expectations drasticly, but even so, the book wasn't that bad. The plot overall can be considered controversial but considering the year it was written it wasn't so bad. The character flas are still visible but not as much as in the series, so when compared to the show this looks like the best you can get. 
Another book I read that I would recommend to read is Bee Season written by Myla Goldberg. In all honesty I has chosen to read this book because me and the author have the same name and thought it would be interesting and it turned out to be way more interesting than I had expected. The protagonist of this novel is nine year old girl who is showed to be a spelling prodigy. This book is written and draws the reader into the world of this nine year old girl, the compelling world of Jewish mysticism, spelling bee politics, family dynamics, and deep secrets that goes on within the family. 


  1. As you said, many of us watched 13 Reasons Why, me being one of them. I had also considered reading the book to see how it differed from the show. Would you say that the show adds in more gruesome details for the cinematic effect or the show sticks to the plot of the book closely?

  2. I have also read 13 Reasons Why but I haven't watched the TV show so I can't compare the book to the show but I thought the book was pretty good. After reading your review I don't think I want to watch the show. Bee Season also sounds like a very interesting book, it might be the next book I read. Thank you for the recommendation.

  3. After watching the show I considered reading the book because I was wondering if it would be better. The show itself wasn't anything special if its a 6/10 then I think im fine.
