Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Pharaoh's Daughter Book Review

Pharaoh's Daughter is a fictional book by Julius Lester with a total amount of 173 pages. The story takes place in ancient Egypt during the reign of Ramesses the Great. It's about an infant boy who was born into slavery and was adopted by a princess and raised in the kings palace. The boy struggles to find himself along with the three women who love him who is all defined by him as his mothers. His biological mother was forced to give him up as a child by the kings order and raised by the princess as her own. His sister Almah who was adopted by the king as his daughter discovers a love for the Egyptian deities than the god for Hebrews. The story is told by both the boy and his sister from alternating point of views and questions identity, faith, and destiny. I enjoyed how the author wrote it using detailed text because it had me visualize and experience what was happening in the book and how the characters felt as if I was in the book. Overall, the book had me thinking about issues people face today with their identity and the journey they have to go through and understand them more.

1 comment:

  1. I like stories like that, when the main character has inner conflict towards themselves and that they try to find themselves. Also the rotation of characters, of having to see different point of views is really interesting to me, it makes you pay attention way more to the story. Just amazing :)
