Thursday, January 23, 2020

Gone Girl Book Review

   One of the books I read first semester was, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Gone Girl is a mystery novel that consists of 432 pages. I chose to read this book because a friend recommended it to me when I wasn’t sure which book to read. The main plot of the novel begins when Nick Dunne discovers his wife, Amy Dunne is missing from their home in North Carthage, Mississippi. A few years prior, Nick and Amy moved to Mississippi from New York because Nick’s mom was diagnosed with stage four cancer. Amy wasn’t very happy with the decision which created a lot of stress since they had both lost their jobs. At first, Nick was delusional that his wife had gone missing. Police and news stations invaded his home, and began the search for Amy Funne. Flynn uses a parallel set up in which she alternates between the perspectives of Nick and Amy with each chapter.
        Overall, I would recommend this book to those who are interested in the mystery genre. Flynn sets up the book so that the reader is able to receive both perspectives of their marriage as well as the plot. In addition, The book is full of plot twists that keep the reader entertained and wanting more. Personally, I did not think the plot twists were predictable. I would not normally describe myself as a reader, but I did find this book pretty fascinating. One thing I did not particularly like about this book was the ending; however, you may have to decide that for yourself.


  1. I have actually read this book and it's probably one of my favorites! It kept me interested the whole way through and I was very shocked at the ending. The movie is also really interesting to watch.

  2. The book had me compulsively turning page after page to know what would happen next. Gillian Flynn is a really admirable writer as she builds a complex narrative and perfectly executes the twist at the end which caught me off guard.

  3. This book sounds very interesting to me! I have heard about the movie, but I have never watched it. This plot sounds very intriguing to me because of the mystery and surprising plot. It also sounds like it has a great ending. I hope I am able to read this book soon!

  4. This book caught my attention as I enjoy reading books with the mystery genre or anything thrilling. I am curious to see how the book ended due to the wife being searched for throughout the book and knowing both perspectives helps a reader really understand what’s going on throughout the plot. This book will be definitely be on my radar!

  5. I had considered reading this book a while back and after watching the movie, I kind of changed my mind. The movie wasn’t that interesting to me, so I was wondering if you’ve seen the movie, and if so how it differs from the book? The plot of the book sounds very interesting so I don’t want to push it aside just because I didn’t really like the movie.

  6. This book seems like a really good book. I enjoy reading mystery books that plot twist aren’t predictable. It seems like the book won’t be boring and will keep you wanting more. I will definitely read this book sometime soon!
