Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Mindhunters Book Review

One of the books that I read during the first semester is called Mindhunters written by John E. Douglas and Mark Olshaker. Originally I had no interest in reading a 400-page true crime novel, but after Mr. Suttle forced us to do a project about true crime novels I decided to give this book a go. I was not prepared for all the content written inside the novel and to tell you I was surprised. The book is about John Douglas and his life working inside the FBI. It goes in-depth about all the cases that he had to solve, and all the interviews he conducted against serial killers.

One of the most interesting stories that I read inside the novel was when he was able to predict that a serial killer had a speech impediment. I know, crazy right. How can you predict that based off of clues left at the crime scene? But using his extensive knowledge in the FBI and experience profiling criminals he was able to come to that conclusion. The craziest thing is that he was right!  The serial killer had a speech impediment when he was a child and it went away in his early adult years. I won’t go into more depth about the details of this case, but you should read the book and find out how he was able to come to that prediction. 

Even though I was forced to read this book for an assignment, I actually enjoyed it. There are so many things that I never knew about the criminal world and what drives serial killers to commit such hefty crimes. Although I recommend this book, I would advise those who have a sensitive stomach to stay away due to the graphic details described inside the novel.  


  1. I'm big on crime novels and I'm always looking for a good book to check out. As a reader did you feel immersed in the world? Seeing as crime novels can tend to be a bit more graphic, was this one on the lighter side discussing the technical side of forensic or did it dwell on the personal-emotional side of the crime done?

    1. This novel does both of those things. The author was able to explain all the forensic evidence gathered after every case and he was able to describe the reasonsings which led each serial killer to commit the crimes.
